I will no longer allow "anonymous" comments on my blogs
Monday, January 30, 2006
In what can only be described...

...as a stroke of good fortune, I managed to again come up with an exclusive bobby sue/a2 photo. This is it at work. I'm surprised the moron had enough sense to wear safety glasses...way to go bobby sue/a2

After a long grueling stake out, I managed to obtain a photo of Bobby Sue/A2 "creating" one of his/it's insightful postings: Here - in a triallog exclusive - is BobbySue/A2.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Yoo Hoo, A2...

Perhaps comprehension isn't your strong suit. Listen up bobby sue, this blog uses the blogger comment field. I'm not able to block IP's and I don't really want to futz with putting haloscan on this one.
THE OTHER BLOG, of which the link has been renamed to assist the mentally deficient (you a2) in finding it - does have haloscan and I have blocked bobby sue's IP address.
This is your big moment moron. Post on my other blog and I will state on triallogs that I was wrong about you being Bobby Sue. Don't and you're not just a moron, you're a lying moron to boot.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Found out by A2/Bobby Sue

Over at triallogs, (be warned the comments on the linked thread is over 300 long) there' s a coward using the name of A2. (See his photo at left) He/she/it has been ragging forever about me allegedly censoring on this blog. I've not allowed one puke (bobby sue/a2) to not post because of his obscene "blowjob" references. It had no use at all, so I banned him.
Katie bar the door time. He's on a tirade over at triallogs about how I'm a liar and blah de blah de blah.
Ok, the proof as they, is in the doing. I banned the morons IP address. A2 (idiot squared right?) post here and post at my other blog. Go ahead, leave a comment. If you leave comments on both blogs, I will forever refrain from calling you a moron. I still reserve the idiot name for you, it just seems to fit.
Ball is in your court bobby sue.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
I want to set the record straight
Over on the other triallogs, there's a poster by the nick of "the law". He's really a bit of a moron, but I let that go because, well, have you ever seen a tax protester that wasn't somewhat of a moron? But, I digress.
"The Law" was mouthing off about something rather asinine and it all boiled down to this moron wanting my address so he can come to my house and "show me the error of my ways". I realize that all he has is his idiot buddies for comparison, but really - how stupid would you have to be to give your home address out to a frrrrreak that posts under an assumed (and not very creative) nickname on a blog? Gene Chapman and Doug Kenline stupid, that's how much!
I am many things~ Opinionated Republican Conservative Smart-Ass Politically INcorrect~ to quickly rattle off a couple of descriptors that I've been known to confess to - but I HAVE NEVER been known to be stupid. I mean drooling on yourself stupid - never. That's how stupid you would have to be to give your personal information to a known freak.
So, I compromised. I offered to meet this yutz in a public place in my town (Laughlin Nevada Pop. 10,000 or so) - Casino preferably since I happen to know that Security in those joints are pretty good (not great, but good) - he could pick the time, the date and the place. How more reasonable can I be?
So "the fre.." ah-hem, sorry - "the law" makes a counterproposal of sorts. He comments that he would agree to meet me...provided I send David Jahn $200 as surety that I would show...OK, I already asked the "how stupid would I have to be" question, but really, isn't it time for it again?
HOW Stupid would I have to be to send money to someone I don't know and have no reason to trust?
HOW f'ing stupid would I have to be to send money to an avowed Tax Protestor?
How stupid? Really, I'm asking for an answer here.
So, "the law" - you're a pussy. You made a condition that you knew I would never accept knowing that you could puss out and look like a "hero" to your tax protesting idiot friends.