Monday, February 06, 2006

Dale has his ass handed to him, film at eleven.

Perspective, who I have to admit I don't really know anything about- has challenged the Court Jester, Dale Eastman. If you put Eastman's posts side by side with Perspective, you'll see that Eastman comes across as the shrill one. Here's a comment that perspective left for Dale and I figured it was worth saving before Jahn had the chance to delete it as "being off topic" or some other excuse he'll use to delete posts that attempt to shine light into his rose colored world.

I guess you have nothing to offer Art. As for the quotes I was expounding them most likely long before you even heard of the Freedom movement. You're legally bankrupt and directionless as to having any solutions!! Spinning your wheels, staying off point, along with being out of context is bad form. The bad news is you’re not getting any better. Your ego and fears are showing you’ve become dogmatic and fanatic.

“The dogmas appear related. Holding rigidly to a point of view, no matter what evidence flies in one's face to contradict or temper it, is dogmatic. Dogma is based on denial, which is rooted in fear. It can be called blind faith, or a faith that blinds, but it short-circuits the thinking process.” W. Frazier

I wouldn’t even know where to start to get you to think beyond you square box. What the hell do you think I’ve been talking about—chop liver—returning to inalienable rights has been my goal ever since day one.

What the hell are you reading? As for “proof,” haven’t you been watching the courts trash people in the so-called tax movement ZERO WINS in courts, unless you’re counting delays of time as wins? Oh but what about the Banister case? That case has nothing to do with resolving the tax issue—the facts only showed he did not assist people to evade taxes.

No the courts are not corrupted that’s an excuse you and everyone on this site like to believe. Of course there are oversights, mistrials, etc., and yes even bad judges. But when you have a righteous cause with real on point issues the courts have a duty to support the Constitution as the superior law.

Perspective | 02.06.06 - 1:20 pm | #