Dale Eastman talking out of his ass - again
The ass-talking one left a comment on triallogs in response to another post.
In the midst of his comments, was this little gem:
As far as the 861 issue, right or wrong, the failure of the IRS to address the questions with substantive answers is significant proof that the questions are on point...
What a load of juvenile thinking that is. Could it be that the IRS has answered your questions, but you choose to not hear it? Could it be that the IRS is tired of speaking to "people" that will never change their minds. As a great post on Quatloos pointed out tax protesters can never accept that they are wrong and will believe the most pretzel logic to keep believing.
Dale is a maroon.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Latest from Detective Tommy at triallogs
This guy is quickly becoming my favorite idiot in the entire TP world. When he's not fawning over Dale Eastman, he's putting forth these words of wisdom?
RG, have you noticed the difference in this blog since FB gave us his word that he would stop posting?
I have.
You can continue to post if you want, but no one takes you seriously.
You are not one of us.
you have not suffered like we have.
We know a slave when we see one.
Can you imagine how many slaves there would have been if they were all armed to the teeth?
If you were on a plantation, you would work in the kitchen, and sleep in the master's house.
If you slept with the rest of us, you would die before the sun came up.
Tom Enfield | 02.09.06 - 11:29 pm | #
The only difference I've noticed in that idiot blog is that it's gotten a lot more boring without my input. Yes, I know that sounded stuck up, but the truth is the truth.
Tommy, go back to kissing Dale Eastman's ass. When you try to be "cute", you just come across as a stupid piece of shit. Or is that your normal self imposing itself?
Detective Tommy (repost)

Tommy Enfeld has been a busy little beaver on triallogs - since I left - wonder why that is? Could it be that I smacked him down every time be posted? Nah...TP's aren't cowards, are they? Here's your proof Detective Tommy, use it well, moron.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I've noticed on triallogs that...
Dale Eastman has been pestering a commenter named Perspective about some stupid shit that Eastman is becoming famous for repeating ad naseaum.
I noticed that Eastman's "questions" have been circulating around the internet for decades. As a matter of fact, perusing Eastman's site, I find nothing that appears to be original. He is, apparently, archiving the "work" of others and then taking ownership by proxy.
I would suggest that any tax protestor, before downing too much kook-aid, visit the Tax Protesters FAQ at this address.
If after reading through it, you still wish to explore life as a deadbeat - Good Luck.
Since I stopped commenting on the jahn blog,
Tommy "Detective" Enfeld has become more bold in his comments. I have to figure he noticed that I left, so it was safe for him to come out from under his desk. Nice try Detective Tommy, I still intend to have fun with your idiocy for as long as I can. Here's a comment he left on the censor blog:
If I were a gov spy I would not worry about our little band of merry men and their blog.
I would report to my master that their numbers are so small, and insignificant, that I am wasting my time monitoring their blog.
I would say,
“Master, I can count on one hand the number of men (there are no women that post) with any brains.
One or two of them appear to be knowledgeable in the law, and can write a decent letter, and a sound rebuttal to our correspondence to them, but with judges like Dawson, we don't have to worry about any of their correspondence ever being seen by a jury.
Case in point Master, the jury asked to see the code book in Schiff’’s trail. Judge Dawson refused, and the jury went ahead an convicted him on every charge we threw at him. They even thought it was good that we had banded his book.
With the disgust most people have for sitting on a jury, only our dumbest sheeple ever make it into our jury pool. It’s like a private club for dummies.
Hey master, is it ok if I contact Wiley books about writing a book with that title? “JURY DUTY FOR DUMMIES”?
Master, we control the news, the jury selection, the judges, public opinion, the schools, the police.
Why do you want to control a handful of broke old men, that like to vent to each other.
Most of the time they just argue with each other.
Everyone of them is hoping that we just leave them alone to vent.
They are all broke, have no friends, their family thinks they are crazy, talk radio cuts them off, they are all too old to be productive workers in prison, so why do I have to monitor their tiny blog?
Dale Eastman wrote me a letter asking for advice. I wrote him back our standard letter, that he should avoid taking advice from tax protestors, but there was nothing in my answer that he can show a jury that would be detrimental to our mission.
He might say that I didn’t answer, and I would just paint him as a tax cheat, trying to get away from paying his fair share, and the jury will find him guilty, so back to my original questions, why do I have monitor these poor old white men?
Tom Enfield | 02.08.06 - 11:05 am | #
I figure that took him about 2 weeks [and a bottle of asprin to counter the headaches that writing so much had to have caused his pea brain] to put together.
His whole premise was how awful it is that the Government wants 100% obedience to the law?
Wanting and having are 2 entirely different things Detective Tommy. The Government wants obedience to the law because that's what they do. I'm sure there's enough intelligent people (please consider yourself excluded from that group Tommy) that understand that 100% compliance with all the laws isn't exactly possible.
Heck, I break a law every time I jaywalk - but there's degrees of disobedience.
To the heart of your problem with the government - Paying your income taxes is the law and you can't make it not the law by cock-eyed reading of sections of the Internal Revenue Code.
the censor himself pulls out the "victim" card ~
From triallogs:
Here is the one I love from the MSN articles list of schemes to avoid.
Return Preparer Fraud: Dishonest people who prepare tax returns, some promising big refunds, can cause big headaches for taxpayers. Some skim from refunds or prepare fraudulent returns. No matter who prepares the return, the taxpayer is ultimately responsible for its accuracy.
In Larken's trial, the prosecutors asserted that tax laws are very complicated and that citizens can't interpret tax laws on their own. They said Larken should have consulted attorneys or CPA's. The prosecutor went onto say soemthing to the affect of "imagine the mess we would have if every citizen read the law for themselves"
Well, as evidenced in the excert above, you can consult all the experts you want. But when there is a problem on your return, the experts shrug there shoulders and walk away. You are the one that is accountable.
I don't imagine many Americans have read the law and actually know what they are signing each year.
David Jahn | 02.08.06 - 7:49 am | #
He is such a predictable tax protester. He takes the Governments stance that people can not "interpret tax laws for themselves" and turns it into a "something to the effect" quote of "citzens can't read the law for themselves". You can read the laws all you want - you just have to leave the interpretation of those laws to the courts.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Dale Eastman over at Jahns censored blog
likes this saying:
An assertion without proof may be refuted without proof. You are a liar.
What the hell does that mean? It sounds like a kindergarten kid reciting "sticks and stones" when she's being teased by a bully. What a maroon.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Over at triallogs...
there's another coward using the alias of "Ben Gera". gera had this to say:
In regard to Mr Buckner.
Allow me to quote the Bible:
Proverbs 14:7
Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge
Proverbs 26:4
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him
Ben Gera | 02.06.06 - 7:25 pm | #
Allow me to quote from my book of proverbs.
Frank Buckner 01:01 - Kiss my ass Gera.
Thank you Dale
I wasn't aware that moderation was turned on. I don't have nearly the time to sit and moderate each post. Thanks for pointing it out and it's now been turned off.
Then there's this moron
He/She/It calls him/her/itself "lifetimenonfiler". Of course, as I've pointed out to coward2, billy boy,The Constitutionalists, The Law, and the myriad others who perform the equivelent of drooling at traillogs - it's so easy to proclaim yourself as "taxfree" or some other moronic appellation - under the cloak of anonymous cowardice.
This is just a sample from "lifetimenonfiler" for your amusement.
"The crux of it all" yes, I agree. The crux of it all is that if you are an able bodied american citizen male you are REQUIRED to provide information to the selecive service for the DRAFT..if you do not,you may be subject to fine of no more than $10,000,or imprisonment of no more than 5 yrs,or both. It says so on the "selective service privacy act notice"that all men of this country get in the mail at age 18. Of course I must point out that no such statement exists in the privacy act statement available from I.R.S....... so tell us all here,at what point exactly were you drafted by the I.R.S.? or did you volunteer? is there an age limit?..say 18 yrs?.. I will say that only when every man and woman gets something from govt, at age 16-18 or from I.R.S.in the mail that informs us that we I am required to pay taxes under penalty of prison time or fine of no more than...then we will be a part of this imaginary taxpayer army you speak of. bye-the-way, If you work for govt,you joined up. If you work for a company that requires you to have money withheld in exchange for employment,you joined up too. Just like when you register your corporation with govt,you agree to pay taxes on that corps profit.When was I drafted?
lifetimenonfiler | 02.06.06 - 5:27 pm | #
He may never have been "drafted", but he is daft. I shudder to think that people of his obviously low intelligence may be driving a car on the same road I am. Of course, maybe not - since obtaining a drivers license would be just like "joining up", ey retard?
April 15th is coming around boys and girls.
For those "tax disabled" folks, you might want to remember that the IRS has a rather large club and knows how to use it.
Topic 653 - IRS Notices and Bills, Penalties and Interest Charges
April 15th is the deadline for most people to file their individual income tax return and pay any tax owed. Tax returns are checked for mathematical accuracy. If there is any money owed, you will be sent a bill. Generally, interest is charged on any unpaid tax from the due date of the return until the date of payment. The interest rate is determined every three months and is the federal short–term rate plus 3 percent. Interest is compounded daily. If you file on time but don't pay all amounts due on time, you'll generally have to pay a late payment penalty of one–half of one percent of the tax owed for each month, or part of a month, that the tax remains unpaid from the due date, until the tax is paid in full or the 25% maximum penalty is applied. The one–half of one percent rate increases to one percent if the tax remains unpaid 10 days after the IRS issues a notice of intent to levy. For individuals, who file by the return due date, the one-half of one percent rate decreases to one-quarter percent for any month in which an installment agreement is in effect.
If you owe tax and don't file on time, the total late–filing penalty is usually four and one-half percent of the tax owed for each month, or part of a month, that your return is late up to five months. If your return is over 60 days late, the minimum penalty for late filing is the smaller of $100 or 100 percent of the tax owed.
You must file your return and pay your tax by the due date to avoid interest and penalty charges. Often the funds necessary to pay your tax can be borrowed at a lower effective rate than the combined IRS interest and penalty rate.
To ensure your payment on a bill for tax is credited properly, be sure to return the tear–off stub on your bill and use our return envelope. Please make your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. Enter the primary social security number or employer identification number, the tax year and form number and your telephone number on your check or money order.
The penalties for filing and paying late may be abated if you have reasonable cause. If you're billed for either penalty and feel you have reasonable cause, send your explanation along with the bill to your service center, or call the IRS at 1–800–829–1040 for assistance. Generally, interest charges may not be abated; they continue to accrue until all assessed tax, penalties, and interest are paid in full. Generally, any reasonable cause exception to the penalty for failure to pay tax cannot be determined until the tax is first paid in full.
If you believe there is an error on your notice or bill, write to the IRS office that sent it to you within the time frame given. You should provide photocopies of any records that may help correct the error. Also, you may call the number listed on your notice or bill for assistance. If you are correct, we will make the necessary adjustment to your account and send you a corrected notice.
For more information about IRS notices and bills, refer to Publication 594 (PDF), Understanding the Collection Process. More information about penalty and interest charges is contained in Chapter 1, Filing Information, of Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax.
Dale has his ass handed to him, film at eleven.
Perspective, who I have to admit I don't really know anything about- has challenged the Court Jester, Dale Eastman. If you put Eastman's posts side by side with Perspective, you'll see that Eastman comes across as the shrill one. Here's a comment that perspective left for Dale and I figured it was worth saving before Jahn had the chance to delete it as "being off topic" or some other excuse he'll use to delete posts that attempt to shine light into his rose colored world.
I guess you have nothing to offer Art. As for the quotes I was expounding them most likely long before you even heard of the Freedom movement. You're legally bankrupt and directionless as to having any solutions!! Spinning your wheels, staying off point, along with being out of context is bad form. The bad news is you’re not getting any better. Your ego and fears are showing you’ve become dogmatic and fanatic.
“The dogmas appear related. Holding rigidly to a point of view, no matter what evidence flies in one's face to contradict or temper it, is dogmatic. Dogma is based on denial, which is rooted in fear. It can be called blind faith, or a faith that blinds, but it short-circuits the thinking process.” W. Frazier
I wouldn’t even know where to start to get you to think beyond you square box. What the hell do you think I’ve been talking about—chop liver—returning to inalienable rights has been my goal ever since day one.
What the hell are you reading? As for “proof,” haven’t you been watching the courts trash people in the so-called tax movement ZERO WINS in courts, unless you’re counting delays of time as wins? Oh but what about the Banister case? That case has nothing to do with resolving the tax issue—the facts only showed he did not assist people to evade taxes.
No the courts are not corrupted that’s an excuse you and everyone on this site like to believe. Of course there are oversights, mistrials, etc., and yes even bad judges. But when you have a righteous cause with real on point issues the courts have a duty to support the Constitution as the superior law.
Perspective | 02.06.06 - 1:20 pm | #
David Jahn over at triallogs has decided to start deleting posts that "didn't conform to the message" that the blog is for. The message? Blind obedience to tax protesting theories, of course.
I going to ask all of you to review your comments. Are they relevant to the message that was posted on the blog to which your comment is connnected or to the missioin of this blog? If not, I will begin deleting them.
Surely, we've tolerated this nonsense far to long.
Connected to the "missioin"' of the blog is tax protesting speak for "parroting views that have been disproven in every court of law in the land, but if we repeat it enough, we can declare the courts corrupt because they don't see it our way".
Yeah, I know Eastman will have something to say about that, but geej, that guy is such a pain in the ass. Apparently he's figured out that if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. He writes tomes of crap designed to make your eyes glaze over halfway through, so you can't argue with him about his juvenile reading of the law.
Coward2 is such a worthless prick and Jahn holds him up as a shining example of what the purpose of his blog is. That's gotta tell you something right there.
I'm going to add haloscan (it will be shared with my other blog for simplicity sake) to this blog as well. Once I remember how, that is. That should allow the morons (yes coward2, yes the law, it's of you I speak) to post comments under their chosen coward names. Oh and yes Coward2 - this now will have haloscan - to which I banned Bobby Sue under. So, if you're not bobby sue, I look forward to your next post. Yeah right, huh? You'll never leave a comment coward2, because you can't.